PWG Range Class

Private Lessons

The more you buy,

the more you save!

 Whether you’re brand new to the world of firearms or need a guide to start your journey, we at PWG have you covered. We want to help you succeed with your goals. For as low as $70, you can receive one-on-one experience with Personal Instructors or up to three students per instructor. If you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced in firearms training we can help you achieve your personal and professional goals. Contact us for details on pricing as your experience begins now at PWG Range!

Get Comfortable Using a Handgun

PWG Range takes great pride in providing an atmosphere that is relaxed and fun for new shooters. Gently introducing concepts, techniques, and skills to those who are looking to take their first steps into the exciting world of shooting sports and personal protection. It doesn’t matter if you are just curious, want to have a fun experience, or you want to start developing a personal safety plan for you and your family. Our experienced instructors are always excited to be your guide and mentor during your journey of owning a firearm.


Private Lessons Are Available

Tom Fitzgerald

Lead Firearms Instructor/ CCW Instructor

Tom has been with PWG since November 2020.  He has 30 years of firearms experience as a retired San Diego Sheriff’s Sergeant and has countless hours of instructing San Diego Law Enforcement Recruits, and Department of Defense Police Recruits.

  • SD Sheriff – Retired
  • SD Sheriff Certified CCW Instructor
  • POST Certified Firearms Instructor
  • USCCA Certified Firearms Instructor

Tom specializes in training students at the Basic to Advanced Marksmanship level.

Contact Tom at

John Woo

Firearms Instructor/CCW Instructor

John has been with PWG since October 2023.

• US Marine Veteran and a native of San Diego.

• Retired Special Agent – California Department of Justice – 28 years

• NRA Certified Firearms Instructor

• Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor

John takes great pride in teaching people to safely handle firearms as they develop new skills on their journey to becoming responsibly armed Americans.

Contact John Woo at

Frank Hoyos

Firearms Instructor/CCW Instructor

•Former Marine (Served 4 Years)
•Retired Sergeant from the Riverside Police Department, after serving 21 Years with the Police Department.
•POST Firearms Instructor
•12 years of tactical firearm instruction (Handgun)
•Department Rangemaster
Frank has experience in all student training levels and specializes in close-quarters firearms training.
Frank is fluent in Spanish.
Frank puede entrenar en español.

Contact Frank at

Contact our Instructors Today
858-206-5057 or email

for your free 30 minute consultation!

Class: Private Lesson

Length: 30 Minutes – 1 Hour

Level: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced

Prerequisites: None

Requirements: Personal Firearm if under the age of 21  (See age requirement below). Signed waiver required (If you have not completed the online waiver Click Here to fill out the form)

Per California law guest(s) must be 21 or older to handle a PWG firearm.

Please bring your own eye and ear protection as we do not provide them at this time due to Covid-19. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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Your Journey Shouldn’t Stop Here. Continue Your Education with:
Handgun First Steps
Handgun Next Steps
Concealed American
Secure Castle: Basic Home Defense

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