Firearm Violence in California Threatens Gun Owners Rights

Gun Owners have the Right to Hold onto their Freedom!

The University of California system is supporting a bill written by California State Senator Lois Wolk.

What’s it all about?

Well you might have heard of “Gunmageddon” the group of bills pending in the California Legislature right now. One of the bills currently in the works is Senate Bill 1006, which seeks out to study firearm violence.

But one of the first things the bill states is that “firearm violence is a significant public health and public safety problem in California and nationwide.”
So before the study even takes place, it seems they’ve already made their own conclusion.

“They’re starting with their agenda right off the bat,” said Jason Davis, Attorney of the Davis Law Firm in Southern California.

An agenda that Davis says, essentially impacts each and every one of us.

“They’re taking our tax revenue to support their cause,” Davis explained.

PWG reached out to the University of California system’s Communications Department for a comment, and we didn’t receive an answer. It was the same case at UC San Diego and UC Riverside.

We reached out to Sen. Wolk’s office three weeks ago, also asking for a comment and never received an answer.

“There’s no specific protections in there to ensure the research that is done in a way that is truthful,” Davis said.

Again, since we couldn’t get a hold of anyone, we can’t specify exactly how they’re conducting their research. But let’s take a look at another study. This one was done by the Centers for Control and Disease Prevention after Sandy Hook took place.

Interestingly enough, the results never concluded that firearms, or any type of gun control for that matter, such as “gun-free” zones, actually decreased any crime at all.

In fact, the study says, “whether gun restriction reduce firearm-related violence is an unresolved issue.”

Case in point, the man responsible for those awful 26 murder, 20 of which were innocent children, intentionally brought firearms to the school with an intent to kill.

So what makes some lawmakers think he would actually follow other laws? Of course he didn’t care about abiding by the school’s gun free zone, why would any criminal care?

“They treat it as though firearms are the cause of homicides and suicides when in fact it’s a mental health issue when it comes to the suicides,” said Davis.

It’s true. Even the study itself states that homicides are decreasing, but that suicide rates are happening more and more.
But is that a firearm-related issue, or as Davis brought up, really about mental health?

While the root of the problem may even start at home for kids at a young age, how they’re raised, what medications they’re given, the list goes on. But for some reason, guns are always to blame.

“I think it’s the biggest threat to America today and it’s the biggest threat we’ve had to America in the past 50 years,” said Davis.

Davis reminds us that all these strict bills and even laws here in California aren’t just a Golden State problem.
If we don’t’ take action and voice our concerns, these laws can be made at the federal level.

Be active in your dialogue with your local representatives. If we all come together, there’s a better chance for gun owners to hold onto their freedoms.

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